Friday, February 9, 2007

Signature Building Blocks

Hey guys, we have just launched “Signature Building Blocks”, a project where we hope that monetary donors would leave a signature on pieces of Legos that we have at our booth. We will subsequently use these Lego blocks to construct a model structure of the day-care centre that will be constructed in Bago City, and eventually place this model in the day-care centre itself as an icon towards the project.

The day-care centre will serve as an educational centre for the children of Bago City whereby activities such as reading programmes and handicraft sessions will be organized for the younger children, while educational and life skills camps will be conducted for the high school students. This day-care centre will be run by the local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) together with Bago City College students.

So if you wish to support “Signature Building Blocks”, just come by our booth at the Arts Faculty Level 4 Walkway and purchase the Lego pieces from us!!

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